The Government has pledged to provide “power for all” by 2012, but analysts say that it will struggle to keep up with demand as the middle class sates its appetite for electronic goods and larger homes.
We really can "Change the World" with just one light bulb. The key is that the more people that take this step, the more we can change the world.Are YOU and your family having an energy crisis? You may be if you're wasting energy. How many of these ways to save energy around the house do YOU know? So,here is just basic knowledge about Light Source so that we can save our country from Energy Crisis. Incandescent:
The bulb that most lamps require is the incandescent bulb, they are the standard bulbs that most people are familiar with and typically the most inexpensive option. The pros in using incandescent bulbs:-

- A-line: The standard lightbulb shape available in a variety of wattage and color options.
- Reflector: An indoor bulb used for directional lighting such as recessed light or as a spot light.
- Globe: A round bulb typically used without a shade, such as in vanity lighting.
- Candle: A decorative bulb that can be used with dimmers or as accent lighting in chandeliers.
- Flicker: A filmament in the bulb that resembles a flickering flame. Typically used in chandeliers and candelabras.
- Bullet/Torpedo: A decorative bulb resembling a torpedo. Typically used in night lights.
- Flame: A flame shaped bulb with wrinkled glass typically used with dimmers or in accent lighting.
- Tubular: A tube shaped bulb used in undercabinet lighting or picture lighting.
- Ceiling Fan: A bulb made specifically for ceiling fans (also available in bulb and flame shapes)
Types of CFL bulbs:
- 3-way: Made for 3-way table lamps. This bulb lasts 6 times longer than a standard A-line.
- Dimmable: Made for incandescent dimming circuits. It lasts 13 times longer than a 100 watt A-line.
- Post: Has a shatterproof cover and lasts 16 times longer than a 75-watt A-line.
- A-line: Looks similar to a standard incandescent A-line but lasts 6 times longer than a 60 watt A-line.
- Spiral: Spiral shape provides better light distribution than other CFLs and is great for table lamps. Lasts 8 times longer than a regular A-line bulb. FlourescentBulbs: Fluorescent bulbs typically produce more light per watt and have a longer lamp life than incandescents. One of the pros to fluorescent bulbs are they are great for lighting entire rooms. Some of the cons, however, are fluorescent bulbs usually come in a linear format so they are not used in most home decor lighting, but there are circular and u-shaped options as well and color has been an issue for fluorescents bulbs in the past but now there are more options for varying indoor lighting needs.
Types of Fluorescent bulbs:
- Grow lights: Fluoresecent lights design specifically to provide “natural” light indoors for the growth of indoor plants.
- Linear: Tubes available in lengths of 24″ to 48.”
- Circular: Non linear fixtures.
- U-shaped: Fluorescent bulb with a ballast on one end only.
- Aquarium: Fluorescent lighting designed specifically for fish tanks.

High Pressure Sodium (HPS), Metal Halide, Mercury Vapor and Self-Ballasted Mercury Lamps are all high intensity discharge lamps (HID). Auxiliary equipment such as ballasts and starters must be provided for proper starting and operation of each type bulb, with the exception of self-ballasted lamps. HID lamps produce a large quantity of light from a relatively small bulb, compared to fluorescent and incandescent lamps.
Housed inside a specially designed inner glass tube, HID lamps produce light by striking an electrical arc across tungsten electrodes. This tube is filled with both gas and metals. The gas aids in the starting of the lamps. Then, once they are heated to a point of evaporation, the metals produce the light.

Though they produce a yellowish light, standard high-pressure sodium lamps have the highest efficiency of all HID lamps. Efficiency is somewhat sacrificed, however, High-pressure sodium lamps that produce a whiter light are now available. Metal halide lamps are less efficient but produce a whiter, more natural light. Colored metal halide lamps are also available. HID lamps are usually used not only when energy efficiency and/or long life are desired, but also when high levels of light are required over large areas. Such areas include gymnasiums, pathways, outdoor activity areas, roadways, large public areas, and parking lots. Recently, metal halide is successfully being used in residential environments.

Of all commercially available lighting sources, Low-pressure sodium lamps have the highest efficiency. A low-pressure sodium lamp shouldn't be confused with a standard high-pressure sodium lamp, even though they both emit a yellow light. Requiring a ballast, Low-pressure sodium lamps operate much like a fluorescent lamp. There is a brief warm-up period for the lamp to reach full brightness.
Low-pressure sodium lamps are generally used where color rendition is not important but energy efficiency is. They are typically used for outdoor, roadway, parking lot, and pathway lighting.

Light Emitting Diodes (LED) are bulbs without a filament, that are low in power consumption and have a long life span. LEDs are just starting to rival conventional lighting, but unfortunately they just don't have the output (lumen) needed to completely replace incandescent, and other type, bulbs just yet. Never the less, technology is advancing everyday, and it will not be long until the LED bulb will be the bulb of choice for most applications in the home and work place.
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