Thousands of people, many wearing only
underwear, rioted across
northern India yesterday over power cuts that have left millions without electricity or water, highlighting the yawning gap between the country’s superpower aspirations and realities on the ground.
The violence underlined growing public frustration at the Government’s failure to improve the basic infrastructure, especially electricity and water supplies, despite an unprecedented economic boom.
The Government has pledged to provide “power for all” by 2012, but analysts say that it will struggle to keep up with demand as the middle class sates its appetite for electronic goods and larger homes.
We really can "Change the World" with just one light bulb. The key is that the more people that take this step, the more we can change the world.Are YOU and your family having an energy crisis? You may be if you're wasting energy. How many of these ways to save energy around the house do YOU know? So,here is just basic knowledge about Light Source so that we can save our country from Energy Crisis.
The bulb that most lamps require is the incandescent bulb, they are the standard bulbs that most people are familiar with and typically the most inexpensive option. The pros in using incandescent bulbs:-
They produce a warm and steady light that complements skin tones, they can be used with a dimmer, and they come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes. Some of the cons are:- They are not as energy efficient as some of the other options and although they can last for 700-1000 hours, other bulb options far outweigh this feat.
Types of Incandescent bulbs: