This programme aims to build the capacity of the States and Districts to facilitate effective implementation of the Tobacco Control Laws and to bring about greater awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco.
The proposed NTCP has 3 componets as follows:
(A) National level:
- Public awareness and media campaigns for awareness building and for behavioural change;
- Establishment of tobacco product testing laboratories, to build regulatory capacity, as required under COTPA, 2003;
- Mainstreaming the programme components as a part of the health delivery mechanism under the NRHM framework;
- Mainstreaming Research & training on alternate crops and livelihoods with other nodal Ministries;
- Monitoring and Evaluation including surveillance such as the Adult Tobacco Survey (ATS).
(B)State level:
- Dedicated tobacco control cells for effective implementation and monitoring of Anti Tobacco Initiatives;
(C) District level:
- Training of health and social workers, NGOs, school teachers and the like;
- Local IEC activities;
- Provision of tobacco cessation facilities;
- School Programmes.
Total Outlay:The total financial outlay for the National Tobacco Control programme in the Eleventh Plan is Rs 182 crore.
Implemetation:The implementation of the NTCP will increase the awareness of the community about the harmful effects of the tobacco use, make the public aware of the provisions under COTPA, establish tobacco product testing labs and also provide baseline estimates of tobacco prevalence and status of implementation of the Tobacco Control Law. The components of the NTCP at the National level covers the entire country, while the pilot phase will focus on 42 Districts of 21 States. The NCTP is to be implemented in the remaining years of the Eleventh Plan in 42 Districts of 21 States within the NHRM framework from 2010-11.
State governments are to work out State and Districts specific Plans in their Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs), depending on their priority. These would include training, sensitisation workshop on awareness building and implementation of the law. The funds for tobacco product testing labs are to be released in a phased manner, so that the labs are set up by 2010-11. The initial recurring expenditure for these labs will be met up to three years, an official release said here. The Adult Tobacco Survey (ATS) is to be completed in April 2010 and the evaluation of pilot phase of NTCP currently under implementation in 42 Districts of 21 States will also be taken up in 2010-11.
State governments are to work out State and Districts specific Plans in their Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs), depending on their priority. These would include training, sensitisation workshop on awareness building and implementation of the law. The funds for tobacco product testing labs are to be released in a phased manner, so that the labs are set up by 2010-11. The initial recurring expenditure for these labs will be met up to three years, an official release said here. The Adult Tobacco Survey (ATS) is to be completed in April 2010 and the evaluation of pilot phase of NTCP currently under implementation in 42 Districts of 21 States will also be taken up in 2010-11.
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